RUN! As many people will agree, running is one of the most effective forms of cardiovascular training. Although the intensity of cardiovascular training can be improved no matter which form of training you choose, the effectiveness of an activity begs two
questions: 1) Is the activity safe? 2) Does the activity help you in your weight loss or fitness goals?
MP3 File
January 10, 2006
As many people will agree, running is one of the most effective forms of cardiovascular training. Although the intensity of cardiovascular training can be improved no matter which form of training you choose, the effectiveness of an activity begs two questions: 1) Is the activity safe? 2) Does the activity help you in your weight loss or fitness goals?
When one asks "Is running safe?", the answer is pretty basic. It's a normal human movement and activity. Like any normal human movement, as long as common sense is applied to the training program, then yes, running is perfectly safe. "Is it effective?" Many people report more intensity and fitness or weight loss related improvements when running than when engaging in any other form of cardio.
Some people will answer these statements by saying things like "I am too overweight to run", or "I have never been a good runner". It is true that running or not running needs to be considered based on each invidividual's body type and exercise history.
However, consider this: Running requires you to pick your legs up higher than when you are walking, and to bring your heel down, followed by your toe. Who ever said you had to do that at a high rate of speed? Try picking your knees up nice and high the next time you go for a walk or get on the treadmill, and see if you don't notice the completely safe and effective difference between that and just going for a stroll!
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9:02 AM