February 16, 2007

Self Improvement Terminology: Do Visualizations and Affirmations really Work?

If you saw some of the teachers from the movie ‘The Secret’ on the Oprah Winfrey show, or if you’ve seen the movie, then you will be familiar with terms like “visualization” and “affirmation”.

The question is: “Do they really work?”

Let’s start with defining just what these two terms mean, and then we’ll delve into whether or not they are worth your time.


When you visualize, you are going through the mental process of seeing in your mind whatever it is that you want to achieve.

For some people that will be successful weight loss, for others it will be massive financial success, some people want fulfilling relationships, others are after career satisfaction. Everyone has their own agenda when it comes to attaining their goals, and the key to visualizing that success is to create the success in your head first, and then the “real world” will follow.

There are different schools of thinking about the proper way to visualize. Some people think that visualization should include every possible detail, while others believe that it is the feeling that you will have once you have attained success that you should focus on.

However, in both cases, having a clear mental picture of the “scene” that you are visualizing is paramount to your success, because one thing is certain:

If you can’t see it in your head, you definitely will never see it in your life!


Affirmations work along the same lines as visualization, only with affirmations, you are giving yourself words rather than pictures.

For example, if you were going to visualize owning a brand new car, you would visualize the actual car that you want. If you were going to practice affirmation in order to attain that new car, you could use the following time-tested affirmation formula:

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, it is my intention to own a black 2007 Mercedes, or something even better.”

What’s with all of the extra words, you ask? The short version of the explanation is that you need to affirm getting what you want, but not getting it in such a way that it causes negativity in your life.

If getting a black 2007 Mercedes happens, but in return you have to work 18-hour days for 2 years straight, your spouse leaves you, and the dealer runs over your dog when they deliver the car, then it probably wouldn’t be worth the price, right?

Also, a big tip of the hat to Dr. Joe Vitale for the addition of the phrase “or something even better.” That part of the affirmation is critical because the Universe will always deliver the things that you want. However, by adding “or something even better,” you leave the door open for the powers that be to bring you something that would make you even happier than what you originally asked for.

Sounds great, but does it all work?

Here is where you come into the equation, dear reader. In response to the question of if it all works, I ask:

“Do you THINK it works?”

Because that is the ONLY thing that matters when it comes to visualizations and affirmations - your level of belief. You can visualize success and read or say your affirmations all day, every day, but if you don’t believe that you are actually going to get what you are visualizing and affirming for, then you won’t get it!

The Universe (God, Holy Guardian Angel, Buddha, whatever YOU call it) does not actually “see” your visualizations, or “hear” your affirmations. The thing that will always and only be acted upon is the feeling that you express whenever you visualize and affirm.

If your feeling is one of doubt, fear, or uncertainty, then you will promptly be delivered more things to be doubtful, fearful, and uncertain about.

However if your feeling is one of success, confidence, and happiness as a result of believing that you are going to get what you are visualizing or affirming for, then the Universe will bring that thing to you in order to ensure your continued feelings of success, confidence and happiness.

Does it sound like a bunch of mystical mojo that has no basis in scientific fact, and therefore cannot possibly work? If that’s what it sounds like to you, then don’t bother making the attempt.

However, for those of you who are ready to truly embrace the fact that you are are a universally powerful being who can literally have anything that you want in life by attracting your desires to you, then I invite you to visualize and affirm to your heart’s content!

p.s. - For those of you ready to believe in your universal power, be sure to get your “princess wave” ready. We’ll need to use it as we drive our brand new cars past the group of people who think it’s mystical mojo!


See How Easy it is to Make a Million Dollars?

If someone were to ask you if it was possible for you to make a million dollars in just over 3 months, would you believe it could be done?

Check out the following story swiped from an email I received from my friend Namaste:

“Michelle Goering of Vancouver, British Columbia, read the book THE ONE MINUTE MILLIONAIRE in December of 2005. The book is co-authored by Mark Victor Hansen who co-created the Chicken Soup For The Soul series. She was excited about the idea of making an enlightened million and a few weeks later, on January 12, she formed a team that met together for the first time. They called themselves (ok this is cheesy but it worked) the MillionHares. It took four weeks of incubation for them to come up with a GREAT IDEA. By February 16 they were testing and marketing the idea. By March 11 they had found a buyer for their idea and negotiated a seven-figure contract. Michelle went from idea to payday in 99 days!”

Michelle certainly made it possible to make a cool million in a very short period of time. Is Michelle’s story a rare occasion?

Sure it is. Bob Proctor - a man who has been studying and creating wealth for more than 40 years - says that only about 1% of the population of this planet control around 96% of the wealth.

So, yes, Michelle’s story is rare, but that is actually the entire point that I want to make. Michelle is one of the rare people who will ultimately fit into that very small 1%.

Her success story is rare, but only because we believe those type of stories to be rare!

If I had started out this post by asking if it was possible to make a million dollars, most people would have said Yes. The world has plenty of people who have made a million dollars or more in their lifetime.

It was the question of whether or not that million dollars could be made in 3 months that threw you for a loop and kicked your “I don’t believe it” engine into overdrive.

If I may quote the sage wisdom of the mighty Yoda:

“THAT is why you fail.”

You see, our beliefs power our very existence, and it does not matter if your beliefs are steeped in poverty, or abundance. Whatever you believe is the truth IS the truth, simply because you believe it.

The question of whether or not it is possible to make a million dollars elicits a completely different instinctive response than the question of whether or not it is possible to make a million dollars in only 3 months.

As long as you continue to allow your beliefs about health, wealth, and happiness to be limited, your results will directly correspond to those belief limitations.

If I may once again quote a great teacher, this time a living, breathing human, Dr. Michael Beckwith from the movie ‘The Secret’:

“We are Unlimited beings!”

So, the only question that you have to ask yourself is if you are going to continue to be shocked when confronted with something as staggering as making a million dollars in 3 months, or if your gut reaction will be something more along the lines of “I don’t need 3 months. I’ll do it in 2!”