Law of Attraction Naysayers and Rampant Capitalism
Well, it seems that ‘The Secret’ is no longer a secret. For those people who believe in or have seen the power of the Law of Attraction, this comes as no surprise. What about everyone else, though? What about the “naysayers”?
As with all concepts, products, or services that become known in the mainstream circles of society, there are always going to be believers as well as non-believers.
I don’t personally agree with the naysayers, since I know for a fact that the Law of Attraction works, and that it has been a part of the human experience since the dawn of time - long before today’s teachers ever came on the scene. However, my confidence in the truth of existence allows me to freely consider the point of view of others, as well as to share that point of view in order to better educate my readers.
To that end, here are two wonderfully positive (said with tongue firmly planted in cheek) posts that you can check out to read from a few of the people on the opposite side of the Law of Attraction coin. In fact, I have put a trackback from this blog post to their sites in the hopes that they will allow their readers to see both points of view as well:
Andrew Johnson’s Web Publishing Blog - The Secret/The Law of Attraction Scam - The Secret…The Truth Behind the Lie
Now, I will not debate the content of either one of those posts, simply because I don’t need to. People who truly understand the Law of Attraction and conscious creation know that they create their own realities, and they know that it is not “magic”.
If I were to start a “flame war” with every person who disagreed with the LOA or even with just my personal take on it, this blog would become a war zone.
So, conscious creators, what do we get when we focus on war?
Yes, more war.
On the other hand, what do we get when we focus on more open-mindedness, understanding of other people’s points of view, and a willingness to accept others for who they are?
Yes, more of the same.
All of that being said, I do want to address one issue that has come up repeatedly about the “new” interest in the Law of Attraction, and that is the fact that people are making money from teaching others about it.
I will answer that issue by saying, yes, that is absolutely correct! Why wouldn’t people make money helping other people to live better lives?
People pay personal trainers, nutritionists, therapists, counselors, teachers, coaches, doctors, and pretty much any other profession that you can imagine. People are willing to pay to learn about things that they want to understand.
Ummm… that’s not a crime. To say that people should not make money by teaching other people to create better lives for themselves is the same thing as saying that your doctor should not collect a paycheck, or that your physical therapist should not get any money, or that your marriage counselor, financial coach, or school guidance counselor should do what they do for free.
Everyone deserves to get paid for the things that they offer as a way to help others. If you take a concept like the LOA and teach people how to LIVE THEIR LIVES instead of just doing a one-time service for them, in my opinion, that is far more valuable than any other kind of product or service.
“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. However, if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”
So yes, people get paid to teach others how to improve their lives, and I am one of those people. I am as transparent as they come. I don’t try to hide the fact that this blog is a source of income for me and my family. I don’t pretend that I don’t want people to buy my products. Sure I do!
It costs me loads of time, effort, and continuing education in order to maintain this blog, produce new products, and come up with new services. However, my goal is to give people FAR more value with my products and with this blog than they actually pay for, and I succeed in doing that every single day.
So, for any alleged non-capitalists who are reading this post, I want you to know that - just like you - LOA and conscious creation teachers get paid to provide a product or a service.
Personally, I am ecstatic about the fact that my products and services related to teaching Self Improvement and the Law of Attraction are helping people to enrich their lives, and empowering them to become whoever they want to be!
In fact, here, I will make it easy for you:
Be sure to NOT save $5 off of already inexpensive products by joining the Today is that Day Newsletter.
You see, teaching people about concepts that help them to enrich their lives should be done with one goal in mind:
To help people enrich their lives!
Whew! That was a tough one…
Are there people out there who take advantage of the fact that “the secret” is out and that the concepts surrounding the LOA are now in the mainstream media?
Yes, there are. Just like there were people who took advantage of the Atkin’s craze, satellite TV over your computer, and people who peddle Hoodia as a miracle weight loss product.
There will always be people who take advantage of the latest social buzz and use it for the sole purpose of making money - at least during this stage of our evolution.
However, there will also be people who can actually help others by teaching them the TRUTH. Whether that truth is thousands of years old, whether it just got discovered yesterday, or even if that truth does nothing but inspire people to believe in themselves, there will always be true Teachers who are willing to share that information.
So, if you personally don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, does that mean that you should look down your nose at it, and bash it publicly? That is totally up to you.
You choose to live your life however you please, and you take the rewards and the punishments that are a result of the choices that you make. Whether you believe in the LOA or not, you ARE a conscious creator of your existence, and that fact will play itself out in whatever positive or negative manifestations that you bring about.