February 9, 2007

How Focus puts You in the Driver’s Seat with the Law of Attraction

See if any of the following phrases are familiar to you:

What you focus on grows.

We become what we think about.

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.

Most people have heard at least one of those phrases in their life, if not all three. The simple reason why so many people are familiar with phrases such as those are because they are the Truth.

And yes, I meant to put a capital “T” on Truth, because the truth of us consciously creating our lives by focusing on what we want is a cornerstone of our very existence.

When it comes to utilizing the amazing power of the Law of Attraction, your ability to focus on your goals opens up doors for you that you literally could not have possibly imagined in advance.

By focusing on whatever it is that you want, the Universe hears your request, figures out how to deliver what you want, and then sets in motion a series of events that will bring your desires to you.

However, here is the catch: If you don’t stay focused on your goals, then you will never “meet up” with the goal attainment destination that the Universe has set up for you.

Use this picture as an example of this concept. One line represents the direct path that the Universe has set up in order to bring you what you want, and the other line represents your ability to stay on the path that will take you to your goal by staying focused on your desires.

Now, take a look at this picture, which represents what happens whenever you stop focusing consistently on your goals and desires.

My own lack of artistic expertise notwithstanding, do you see how simple it is to take yourself off track for goal attainment simply by not continuing to focus on what you want?

However, on the flip side, it is just as easy to stay on the straight and narrow path to the attainment of your goals, and you do it by simply focusing on them over and over and over again.

Always remember, though, that focus does not mean “wishing” for something. If you wish for it, then all you are doing is reaffirming to yourself the fact that you don’t already have it, and the Universe will simply deliver more of you not having it.

Focus on your goals as if they already existed in your life! You can choose your method of focus, and you should pick the method or methods that work best for you. Many popular methods include:

  • Visualizations
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation
  • Daydreaming
  • Recurring discussions with others
  • Visiting/Driving/Experiencing the things that you desire

You should decide for yourself what the most comfortable method of focusing on your desires is, because it has been proven time and time again that if something isn’t comfortable for us, we find a way not to do it.

However, that being said, don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you focus on a goal, that you will never have to get outside of your comfort zone to attain it.

Your job is to focus on what you want in order to put the Law of Attraction to work for you. The Universe will bring you an opportunity to get what you want, and will present that opportunity to you via inspiration to take a certain action.

When that time comes, whether or not that action is inside or outside of your comfort zone, you must get up and do it. Otherwise:

You’re on the never-ending train tracks…

Self Improvement and Law of Attraction Link Love, Volume 1

This is Volume 1 of the Self Improvement and Law of Attraction Link Love series. This series will be published weekly and will be comprised of links to quality blog posts that have proven to be extraordinary in their ability to assist, inform, or empower the reader. Enjoy!

1) Christine Kane - It Might Be Time to Take a Risk if…

A very informative and often funny discussion of how to properly utilize the amazing power of the Law of Attraction by taking action.

2) Persistence Unlimited - How to Turn Your Ipod Into A Motivational Timer

A brief primer on the very cool concept of how you can accomplish more in any given time period by putting yourself on a short time line, and then instructions for how to do so using your iPod.

3) Ririan Project - Wake Up Feeling Great With These 22 Tips for High Self-Esteem

A power-packed list of realistic things that you can do to get the self improvement ball rolling, and most of them won’t cost you a dime.

4) Life Coaches Blog - Are You Fighting Yourself?

You either know of or are the kind of person discussed in this brief, but informative piece on recognizing and eliminating self sabotage.

5) Speaking Freely - Five Things To Do With A PC When You Have No Internet Connection

Whether you have frequent or infrequent bouts of being unable to get your “internet fix,” this list of things to do when you are offline provides ideas that will help your mental health, as well as the health of your PC.

6) Make it Great - 5 Ways to Change the World

More completely free advice on how to make positive changes without breaking the bank. NOTE: These solutions seem simple, but they work. Don’t underestimate their power!


7) Daily Blog Tips - Blog Project: 30 Traffic Generation Tips

Great job of bringing together many different points of view that cover one of the biggest focus points for Bloggers.

8) The Probabilist - Why You’re Obliged to Make Money from Your Blog

A great piece on the concept of making money with your blog. Blogging, like any other information source, is valuable, so why should Bloggers not get paid?

9) ProBlogger - How I Make Money from Blogs - My Top Earners

Arguably one of the most knowledgeable and successful Bloggers out there, Darren Rowse lists the Top 9 ways that he is presently making money with is blog.


If you have ever heard of Earl Nightingale, then you will not need any convincing about the fact that his words are powerful and inspiring. Credited with being the founder of the spoken word industry, and co-founder of Nightingale-Conant, Earl had it all figured out before many of you who are reading this were even born.

Take a listen to this brief but absolutely life-changing audio, dubbed by Earl himself as ‘The Strangest Secret‘.

Click to Download MP3 File