July 29, 2007

Self Improvement and Motivation - Are You Angry Enough?

Are your emotions powering up your level of motivation so that your goals come screaming towards you at break-neck speed, or are you just going through a list of goal-related tasks without really putting forth a gargantuan effort? Link to Full Story

5 Tips on How to Workout with Dumbbells

If you don't know how to workout with dumbbells, you are truly missing out on a great way get in shape, yet a way that requires very little exercise equipment.In fact, if you had a proper set of dumbbells, you could stay in shape for the rest of your life. Link to Full Story

Lauren Jones: From Bikini Model to Newscaster on Reality Show

Apparently the old adage 'sex sells and people are buying' is as true now as it has ever been! At least that seems to be the case when considering the details behind an ex-bikini model working as a news anchor, even though she has no real journalism experience to speak of... Link to Full Story