February 28, 2007

The Top 3 Law of Attraction Secrets - Especially for Non-believers

Well, if we were in the movie “Wayne’s World” I guess the appropriate phrase at this point would be…


Now that the Law of Attraction concepts have hit the mainstream, both the believers as well as the non-believers are coming out of the wood work.

A search on Google for the term “law of attraction” brought back well over 2 million websites, although it also won’t take you long to find plenty of people who who think it’s all a bunch of nonsense. Check here, here, and here if you would like some examples.

Now, any regular readers of this blog know my views on this whole concept, and this post is not meant to discuss my personal ideals, but rather to plug some of these concepts into a typical life scenario to see if they actually hold water.

To that end, I picked 3 specific practices that are commonly used by the LOA believers, who also call themselves “deliberate creators” since they believe that via these practices they can literally create their existence here on planet Earth.

So, whether you are a believer or a skeptic, if you truly feel that your point of view is the correct one, then you shouldn’t mind a little bit of close scrutiny to see if these concepts are worth considering.

If they are, then here are 3 possible ways to use them. If they are not worth considering, then you now have 3 great examples of the uselessness of these tools that you can use in your on-going crusade to debunk this whole affair. Here we go…


One of the primary weapons of mass abundance that the teachers from the movie ‘The Secret’ endorse using in order to invoke the law of attraction is visualization. In fact, Joe Vitale goes even further to say that you should use “holographic visualization” which is basically the art of both mentally and emotionally putting yourself inside your vision of success. You experience those moments so precisely in your mind that it seems that you are actually there.

Proponents - From a believer’s standpoint, this type of visualization will send actual vibrations out from the visualizer into the Universe, and will in turn attract similar vibrations. Done consistently over the course of time with a high level of emotion and belief, and the vibrations will all coalesce into a series of circumstances, people, events, or inspired actions that will eventually lead to the visualizer actually being in the situation that they visualized.

Opponents - People who do not believe in this concept simply say that there is no scientific basis for this idea, and that there is no way to prove that doing this will be anything other than a complete waste of time. They believe that if you want to have an experience in your life, you need to take whatever action is needed in order to marshal the resources that will allow you to have that experience.

The Benefit for Non-Believers - Believers in the LOA do not need any further convincing of the validity of this practice. However, for non-believers, the act of visualizing has one very, very important side effect that has nothing to do with the Law of Attraction, and that benefit is FOCUS.

Even if you do not believe that some magic genie is ripping around town on a magic carpet finding ways to turn your daydreams into reality, any reasonable and logical person will agree that staying focused intensely and consistently over the course of time on any particular goal will bring about positive steps toward that goal.

Those steps may come in the form of financial or career maneuvers that will lead to the goal, or they may come in the form of the simple ability to keep from getting distracted by things that would normally take the person off track. Taking your eyes off the prize runs the risk of delaying or preventing the attainment of whatever it is that is being focused on.

A simple example of this is weight loss. It is a common belief that if you eat a lot of junk food, you will not have a body like a super model. If your goal is to have a body like that, and you consistently visualize yourself having that body, it is going to be very difficult for you to believe that scarfing down an entire pepperoni pizza all by yourself is a good idea.

Will your weight loss be “magic” or will it be a result of you continually taking part in healthy exercise and eating habits as a result of having a super model picture of yourself that is playing over and over again in your head? Well, once you have that super model body, who cares HOW it actually happened?


Affirmations come in many shapes and sizes, but in a nutshell, it is the act of writing down what you want to have in your life, and then repeatedly saying it either out loud or in your head for the purpose of changing your mental point of view regarding those desires.

Proponents - Believers in the power of affirmation basically think that by continually repeating something to oneself, that thing will eventually become a reality. Where the LOA comes into this part of the equation is that the common belief behind conscious creation is that the vibrations that are sent out into the Universe are acted upon in order to bring our goals into existence. However, as most people carry around years worth of self-limiting beliefs, the only vibrations they are sending out are those of NOT having whatever it is that they want. By consistently practicing affirmations, the vibration is changed to one of confidence and belief, thus attracting the object of desire.

Opponents - Non-believers in affirmations once again cite the fact that there is no evidence to support the belief that anything less than taking action will bring about goal attainment. They may even go so far as to say that by repeatedly talking about something that you don’t have will actually only serve to make you even more convinced that you’ll never have it.

The Benefit for Non-Believers - By repeatedly affirming that you want something, you assign the task of finding a way to bring that thing into your existence to your brain and your subconscious mind. In order to do this, though, you must ask for solutions, not affirm non-existent realities. For example:

“I am independently wealthy and I never have to work another day in my life.”


“How can I create a situation that makes me independently wealthy so that I never have to work another day in my life?”

The first example stated something that wasn’t true, and by continually saying that statement over and over again, you may not activate the amazing power of your subconscious mind in order to help find a solution.

However, by continually asking yourself that question over and over again, your mind will be constantly looking for a solution as you go about your day to day business. Eventually - maybe sooner or maybe later - you will get slapped in the face with a great idea or the beginnings of a plan of action that will lead you to that life of riches and relaxation.

Positive attitude

This is probably the oldest and most well-known tool that is in the bag of tricks that believers in the LOA carry around with them. Long before today’s gurus were touting the power of positive thought, yesterdays authors and visionaries were extolling the benefits of this practice.

Proponents - People who believe they can activate the Law of Attraction by living in a constantly positive state of mind will once again point to the power of their vibrations as the catalyst for attaining their desires. By staying in a constant positively-charged state of mind, they also maintain a constant positively-charged emotional state. In so doing, they will only attract vibrations that are in resonance with theirs, thus attracting “fuel” that will drive their machines of success. That fuel may come in the form of intense coincidences that are in line with their desires, or they may take the form of opportunities or circumstances that will eventually bring forth their dreams.

Opponents - Non-believers in the power of positive thinking will say that just thinking about good things will do absolutely nothing to bring those things into your existence. They will point out the fact that everyone wants health, wealth, and happiness, so if just thinking good thoughts about those things was the key to having them, everyone would already be living happily ever after.

The Benefit for Non-Believers - Having a positive mental attitude is something that can - and does - benefit everyone. Even if you don’t believe that your positive state of mind will help you to actually attract good things into your life, at a bare minimum, keeping a good attitude will help you to enjoy life more.

This could fall under the umbrella of what people call “managing their expectations” or it could simply be called being “mentally prepared” for any given situation.

For example, if your job is lame, and you know that it is lame, you can’t simply “think” yourself out of having to go there. However, by setting your mental set point to one of being prepared for the experience, you will help yourself to not be as miserable as you otherwise would be. On the other hand, if you just sit around thinking about how bad your job is, there is no way that you are going to see anything but how bad your job is when you get there.

Another example is finances. You could sit around thinking about how much you don’t enjoy watching prime time on your 19″ television with bad reception because you can’t afford cable and a big flat-screen TV, or you could turn the situation around to actually be glad that you have that opportunity. In order to do so, just consider how bad it would be if you couldn’t even afford your own home or apartment, or if your electricity had been turned off because you couldn’t pay the bill.

You can apply that same formula to any situation in your life in order to receive the benefit of positive thinking. By simply taking on the habits of mentally preparing yourself for a potentially negative situation, or by showing gratitude for the fact that things aren’t worse (and they always could be), you will slowly but surely pick up the habit of being happy about situations that in the past made you miserable.

Who Wins?

Now that you have seen some common ways that the LOA is used by people to “magically” manifest the lives that they want, you should also see that there is really no magic to it. The same practices that the believers are using to bring success into their lives will help non-believers to improve their quality of life as well.

Also, there are 3 potential benefits that a non-believer gets from this whole process:

  1. All of this is completely free of charge. You don’t have to spend a dime to visualize, affirm, or to keep a positive attitude.
  2. Each of the practices that were discussed will have a positive impact on your life, even if you are just using your copy of ‘The Secret’ as a coaster or a Frisbee
  3. What if it works? What if the Law of Attraction actually works, and you stumble upon that truth by practicing LOA techniques, even from a non-believers standpoint?

After all, not only are these techniques free, but no one even has to know that you are doing them. How cool would it be to achieve some amazing success in your life without having to admit to anyone - even yourself - that you ever considered whether or not the magic actually works?

Something to think about…..

February 26, 2007

Personal Development: The Shortcut to Being a Great Leader

The very connotation of improving one’s life has “it’s all about me” written all over it. Truth be told, though, you can create a glorious life for yourself and lead others to victory at the same time.

The industry jargon seems to point to a perfectly selfish course of action. SELF improvement, SELF empowerment, PERSONAL development. To be sure, you can hard wire yourself for success on every imaginable level using every imaginable system.

However, suspend your own needs and desires for one moment and think about how wonderful life would be if you led the people in your circle of influence on a quest for success at the same time that you create that success in your own life.

Let’s start by identifying a few habits that are shared by most successful people:

  • Willingness to go the extra mile to attain their dreams
  • Ability to consistently apply effective success strategies
  • Open to continually learning and applying new concepts
  • Flexible enough to roll with the punches when things don’t go as planned

That is a short list, but if you have achieved any measure of success in your life or if you know of people who have, you will recognize those types of traits as common among successful people.

In order to double the return on your personal development time and financial investments, why not practice great leadership by helping the people around you to achieve success as well?

You are probably familiar with the negative effect that “energy vampires” can have on your life. Even if you are keeping a positive and energetic outlook on life, people around you who are not on track to personal or professional success can suck the life right out of an otherwise positive situation.

However, everyone loves a good success story, and by becoming that success story, the people around you will often want to emulate your behavior so that they, too, can experience success. Consider the following examples:

If you have decided to lose weight or start cleaning up your health, you will inspire the people around you to do the same when they start to see you achieving results.

On the other hand, if you tell people that you are going to start leading a more healthy lifestyle, but then you don’t do it, why would they respect the things in the future that you claim you are going to do?

Finances fall under the same umbrella, especially in the home environment. Whether you have a family or if you live with roommates or friends, by making an on-going and dedicated effort to stop living outside of your means, the people around you will at least respect that, if not pick up the habits themselves.

Oppose that scenario to one where you tell your spouse or your partner that you are going to start saving money, but then you squander hundreds or even thousands of dollars on non-critical expenses such as recreation, material possessions, etc.

This concept could even be applied to something non-tangible like keeping a positive attitude. Actually keeping a bright and cheerful demeanor in the home or in the workplace will have an almost domino-like effect on the people around you. Even people who are normally very negative will at the very least start avoiding you, if not actually cheering up themselves.

I’m sure that you can think of many similar examples where this type of thinking could come into play, and the takeaway point for you to remember is that it is only by doing that you will become a Leader who will actually inspire the people around you to start achieving success.

You can talk, talk, talk all day long about how you are going to lose weight, get rich, or stop living your life in a funk. However, talk is cheap, and no one is buying it.

If you truly want to inspire the people around you to succeed, then you have to succeed! Nothing less than proof positive that your ideals are solid will get the people around you to consider following in your footsteps.

Does all of this mean that you need to become a great leader in order to achieve your own desired levels of personal development? Absolutely not.

Personal development and self improvement do not require you to help anyone but yourself. However, before you put the “it’s all about me” cap back on, take a few minutes to think about how great it would be if the people around you started picking up some positive habits.

At the very least, it would keep them from constantly trying to drag you down to their level of negativity!

February 25, 2007

3 Keys to Better Health with the Law of Attraction

When you consider the prospect of controlling your health with the power of your mind, do you scoff at such an idea, or do you think something more along the lines of it being a possibility, but you would like to have some proof?

Well, just like every other aspect of the human existence, it is your belief system that serves as the foundation for your results. For that reason, don’t even start considering the details of how such a thing is done if you are not even willing to consider it as a possibility.

It will help you to bridge the “doubt gap” by embracing the very real fact that every single thing that exists is made up of energy, including your body. The actual form that something takes is simply a matter of the speed at which that thing’s energy is vibrating.

So, in a universe that is made up of vibrating energy, learning to control those vibrations is the key to creating or destroying all things that are in your existence - including your own body.

The amazing gift that we all have as human beings is the ability to exert conscious control over our emotions, which are also just another form of vibrating energy.

So, if everything is energy, and we can control the vibration of our energy, then we can use the Law of Attraction to bring into our existence only the vibrations that we wish to have - including those that are consistent with vibrant, long-term health.

The thing to realize in order to excel at this process is that although you will probably attract people and circumstances that will be a part of your good health, it will always and only be the vibrations of your own body that ultimately manifest health or illness into your existence.

For example, it is a common understanding that mental stress causes negative physiological responses in your body, and likewise, you can create positive physiological responses by experiencing emotions that you perceive to be happy, uplifting, nurturing, etc.

In short, by consciously being aware of your vibratory frequency, you then become a conscious creator of good health by only sending out vibrations that are consistent with good health. Here are the 3 steps for doing so:

1) Identify specifically what you want. What is good health? What does that look like in your mind’s eye? You can’t just put a vague intention out there that you want “good health” without identifying exactly what that means to you.

That would be like giving someone $50,000 and telling them to go buy you a new car. Without knowing the make, model, color, etc., that you wanted, there us no telling what kind of car you would end up with!

So, if you want to lose weight, you would define how much weight you want to lose.

If you want to be free of arthritis, then your goal would be to live pain free, or to be able to do whatever it is that your arthritis is keeping you from doing.

If your goal was to heal a damaged or diseased part of your body, then again you would need to define what “answer” you are looking for, such as being free of cancer, having full use of an injured leg, breathing freely without the labor of asthma attacks, etc.

2) Focus on your desired end result. ONLY focus on the end result! This is a common mistake that people make with the Law of Attraction, regardless of what they are wanting to manifest.

You have to free yourself of the incorrect belief that you need to be able to see HOW you are going to get whatever it is that you want, and focus only on the end result instead.

If you have a serious medical condition or if you have never had success at losing weight, then it is not possible for you to “see” the path that will take you to your desired end result.

Some of your solution may be in actually changing the vibratory frequencies of the cells in your body. Part of the solution may come in the form of a new medicine, technology, or artificial replacements for damaged tissues - there is no way to know for sure.

It is simply not possible for you see the straight line between your condition and the solution. If you focus on trying to see a line that it is not possible for you to see, you will meet with very limited success, if any success at all.

3) Take action. This may seem like “standard” information for anyone who has ever gotten involved in any sort of self improvement program, but it is standard information for a reason - it’s a necessary part of the process!

When it comes to using the Law of Attraction for health, this step is just as important. Again, by realizing that it is not possible for you to see the entire journey that is going to take you from where you are now to the level of health that you desire, this step becomes even more critical.

As the Universe lines up both the internal forces as well as the external forces that are going to marshal together for the benefit of your health, your job is to take whatever action you are inspired to take.

Most people would say that getting enough exercise is a good health practice, and that eating nutritious food is also part of the process.

For specific disease or injury situations, there will also likely be some well-known or doctor prescribed practices that could be part of your solution.

However, although it is possible and even likely that “standard” practices will be part of you manifesting the level of health that you want, be on the look for other things as well.

The Universe will often tap you on the shoulder to send you in a direction that doesn’t seem to make sense, but that will ultimately lead you down a path that will take you to your desires. See ‘Did you Feel that Tapping?‘ for more information on that concept.

In closing, the takeaway idea that you need to remember is that using the Law of Attraction for health purposes is just like using it for anything else.

You have to decide exactly what you want, focus frequently on the feeling of having it, and then take action consistently over the course of time whenever you are inspired to do so.

That is the winning equation for any situation, and now you know that you can also apply those principles in order to live a long, healthy life!

Self Improvement and Law of Attraction Link Love, Volume 3

This is Volume 3 of the Self Improvement and Law of Attraction Link Love series. This series will be published weekly and will be comprised of links to quality blog posts that have proven to be extraordinary in their ability to assist, inform, or empower the reader. Enjoy!

1) Brian Kim - The Dangers of Motivational Hype

As someone who prides himself on being able to write empowering and motivational texts, I will give 2 thumbs up to this piece by Brian Kim about recognizing and acting on both the motivational side as well as the take action side of personal development.

2) Scott Ginsberg - 17 Reasons to Write a FREE Ebook

If you do any kind of business on the Internet, this post is a must read. However, even if you don’t, the author gives away a GREAT colorful and easy to read eBook that I highly recommend you get your hands on!

3) Breathing Prosperity - Law of Attraction: Why Aren’t You Constantly Creating Your Life?

Excellent take on the fact that not only do people’s “problems” continually recreate their problems, but on the fact that a lot of people wouldn’t even know what to say if they weren’t complaining!

4) Seth Godin - I’m Not Surprised

This one is more of a business perspective (and a great one, at that), but I see where this concept could be applied to your personal life as well. I’m a firm believer in people being anything but normal!

Gratitude Break!

Big props go out to Wendy Piersall over at eMoms at Home for allowing me to be a guest blogger on her site. Thanks, Wendy! And then more major gratitude to Steve over at The Fast Lane for his wonderful words about me on his site. You totally rock, Steve!


5) Technacular - List of Icon/Graphic Generator Sites

Unique stuff for anyone who wants to get in touch with their artistic/brand-building side. Also some fun sites for making silly signs, etc.

6) CopyBlogger - Are You Leaving Your Readers Out of the Conversation? ~ and ~ Let Cicero Build You a Sticky Blog

Both great riffs on sending the right message with your blog, as well as doing so for the right reasons.

That’s it for this week! I hope you enjoyed, and look for the next volume in a week or so!

February 23, 2007

Law of Attraction Naysayers and Rampant Capitalism

Well, it seems that ‘The Secret’ is no longer a secret. For those people who believe in or have seen the power of the Law of Attraction, this comes as no surprise. What about everyone else, though? What about the “naysayers”?

As with all concepts, products, or services that become known in the mainstream circles of society, there are always going to be believers as well as non-believers.

I don’t personally agree with the naysayers, since I know for a fact that the Law of Attraction works, and that it has been a part of the human experience since the dawn of time - long before today’s teachers ever came on the scene. However, my confidence in the truth of existence allows me to freely consider the point of view of others, as well as to share that point of view in order to better educate my readers.

To that end, here are two wonderfully positive (said with tongue firmly planted in cheek) posts that you can check out to read from a few of the people on the opposite side of the Law of Attraction coin. In fact, I have put a trackback from this blog post to their sites in the hopes that they will allow their readers to see both points of view as well:

Andrew Johnson’s Web Publishing Blog - The Secret/The Law of Attraction Scam

KevinHogan.com - The Secret…The Truth Behind the Lie

Now, I will not debate the content of either one of those posts, simply because I don’t need to. People who truly understand the Law of Attraction and conscious creation know that they create their own realities, and they know that it is not “magic”.

If I were to start a “flame war” with every person who disagreed with the LOA or even with just my personal take on it, this blog would become a war zone.

So, conscious creators, what do we get when we focus on war?

Yes, more war.

On the other hand, what do we get when we focus on more open-mindedness, understanding of other people’s points of view, and a willingness to accept others for who they are?

Yes, more of the same.

All of that being said, I do want to address one issue that has come up repeatedly about the “new” interest in the Law of Attraction, and that is the fact that people are making money from teaching others about it.

I will answer that issue by saying, yes, that is absolutely correct! Why wouldn’t people make money helping other people to live better lives?

People pay personal trainers, nutritionists, therapists, counselors, teachers, coaches, doctors, and pretty much any other profession that you can imagine. People are willing to pay to learn about things that they want to understand.

Ummm… that’s not a crime. To say that people should not make money by teaching other people to create better lives for themselves is the same thing as saying that your doctor should not collect a paycheck, or that your physical therapist should not get any money, or that your marriage counselor, financial coach, or school guidance counselor should do what they do for free.

Everyone deserves to get paid for the things that they offer as a way to help others. If you take a concept like the LOA and teach people how to LIVE THEIR LIVES instead of just doing a one-time service for them, in my opinion, that is far more valuable than any other kind of product or service.

“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. However, if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

So yes, people get paid to teach others how to improve their lives, and I am one of those people. I am as transparent as they come. I don’t try to hide the fact that this blog is a source of income for me and my family. I don’t pretend that I don’t want people to buy my products. Sure I do!

It costs me loads of time, effort, and continuing education in order to maintain this blog, produce new products, and come up with new services. However, my goal is to give people FAR more value with my products and with this blog than they actually pay for, and I succeed in doing that every single day.

So, for any alleged non-capitalists who are reading this post, I want you to know that - just like you - LOA and conscious creation teachers get paid to provide a product or a service.

Personally, I am ecstatic about the fact that my products and services related to teaching Self Improvement and the Law of Attraction are helping people to enrich their lives, and empowering them to become whoever they want to be!

In fact, here, I will make it easy for you:

How to Invoke the Law of Attraction Energy Harmonics - Attain Unlimited Health, Wealth and Happiness by Living in Vibratory Alignment Mental Meltdown: Weight Loss Begins in the Mind!

Be sure to NOT save $5 off of already inexpensive products by joining the Today is that Day Newsletter.

You see, teaching people about concepts that help them to enrich their lives should be done with one goal in mind:

To help people enrich their lives!

Whew! That was a tough one…

Are there people out there who take advantage of the fact that “the secret” is out and that the concepts surrounding the LOA are now in the mainstream media?

Yes, there are. Just like there were people who took advantage of the Atkin’s craze, satellite TV over your computer, and people who peddle Hoodia as a miracle weight loss product.

There will always be people who take advantage of the latest social buzz and use it for the sole purpose of making money - at least during this stage of our evolution.

However, there will also be people who can actually help others by teaching them the TRUTH. Whether that truth is thousands of years old, whether it just got discovered yesterday, or even if that truth does nothing but inspire people to believe in themselves, there will always be true Teachers who are willing to share that information.

So, if you personally don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, does that mean that you should look down your nose at it, and bash it publicly? That is totally up to you.

You choose to live your life however you please, and you take the rewards and the punishments that are a result of the choices that you make. Whether you believe in the LOA or not, you ARE a conscious creator of your existence, and that fact will play itself out in whatever positive or negative manifestations that you bring about.

February 22, 2007

The Secret of Experiencing Perfection

If someone were to say to you that everything in the Universe is absolutely perfect, would you believe them?

I mean, it seems hard to believe that in a world that is filled with at least as much insanity as order that the word perfect could ever even enter into the equation.

Actually, the Universe MUST be perfect, because if it wasn’t, the entire system would have collapsed a long time ago. In fact, it probably would have never even existed to begin with.

Everything that happens in the Universe happens in a very specific way, because that is the only way that it CAN happen based on any given set of circumstances.

Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if the Law of Gravity suddenly started to just randomly affect different things in different ways? What if jumping off a building one day meant a messy collision with a sidewalk, but the next day jumping off a building meant you were able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?

Imagine what would happen if the electromagnetic field that protects the earth from the harmful spectrum of radiation emitted by the sun suddenly decided to reverse its polarity, just for a change of pace? We would all instantly cease having these types of debates, that’s for sure!

What about if water suddenly stopped being a conductor of electricity, but rubber and wood both suddenly became conductors of electricity? Does the term BIG BANG mean anything to you?

Think of what would happen if the moon suddenly doubled its weight and density over night?

What about if the human body’s immune system completely stopped working?

What if it is really DID start raining cats and dogs???

Okay, maybe the cats and dogs thing was over the top, but do you see the point? Everything that happens in the universe happens because it is supposed to happen that way. That’s the way things are “set up” for lack of a better term.

However, by having access to this knowledge, us mere humans on the blue marble that we call Earth have a decided “edge” over Fate. By knowing and understanding the very basic but unalterable concept of cause and effect, we can manipulate the universal laws in order to create the lives that we want to live.

Any regular readers of this blog will be familiar with the Law of Attraction, which is one of the most obvious ways that as individuals we can practice the art of conscious creation. However, there are other universal laws that also come into play, such as the Law of Polarity, the Law of Relativity, the Law of Vibration, the Law of Gender, etc.

I am not linking to a location for you to learn more about the universal laws because, to be honest, I could not find one location that I felt had all of the information in one spot. If anyone knows of a professional and fact-filled source, please post it in the comments section.

Even without one solid information source about the Universal Laws, it is still clear that they exist, and that they exert control over every aspect of our lives. Here’s the kicker, though:

By understanding that the Universe MUST be perfect, we become conscious creators of our lives by our ability to manipulate the natural laws of the Universe for our own benefit.

To break this down into a simple example, answer the following question:

Have you ever thrown or caught a ball or a Frisbee?

Yes? Congratulations. You just demonstrated your ability to manipulate the laws of the Universe. If you can throw a ball, then you understand gravity, the law of cause and effect, the law of vibration, the law of relativity, the law of perpetual transmutation, and on and on the list goes…

If it is possible for you to throw or catch a ball or a Frisbee, then in the perfect Universe that we live in, it must also be possible for you to do anything else that you can imagine.

Cook some of those concepts on your brain for awhile, or better yet, do some of your own research into the Laws of the Universe. You may be shocked when you realize that perfection not only abounds, but it can be made to correspond to your desires!

For more brain-cooking research into one of the laws - the Law of Polarity, I invite you to check out Steve Pavlina’s post on that subject. However, also be sure to stop by and see Edward over at Evolving times as he claims that Steve’s post might not be entirely accurate.

Hey, I’m just the messenger!

February 21, 2007

Challenge Solving - An Easy but Powerful Personal Development Mindshift

What happens whenever someone comes up to you and issues you a Challenge?

Do you tend to back away because you fear confrontation, or do you take an attitude that resembles something more along the lines of:

“Bring it on! Anything you can do, I can do better!”

Most people - whether they are willing to admit it or not - will take the standpoint of accepting challenges simply because they don’t want to be viewed as the person who couldn’t handle any given situation.

Now, I’m not talking about drunk people at bars picking fights or challenging you to see how many shots of tequila you can do in 5 minutes…

No, the type of challenges that I am talking about are things that you actually WANT to do, even if it is just to prove that you can do it.

After recently listening to Heidi Miller’s podcast about overcoming challenges, I was struck by her use of the term “challenge solving” and immediately had the idea to put together an empowering blog post about that concept. Big thanks to Heidi for such an excellent phrase!

As with so many other things that have been discussed in the past on this blog, the way that you think and feel about something is the primary driving force behind your level of success in that endeavor.

If you view something as negative, then your results surrounding that thing will be perceived by you to be negative. On the flip side, if you see something as positive, then you will perceive positive results about that thing.

This is the fundamental - yet very basic - mind shift that most people fail to actually fully grasp, and their lack of success in certain areas of their life is a result.

So, if you see something as a “problem” then you immediately put yourself into the frame of mind of needing to solve that problem.

And what is the nature of a problem? Something that needs a solution, and then is taken from your focus once the solution has been found.

Does that sound like the kind of attitude that you should take towards your LIFE? Are you just looking to solve one problem after another, just to find another problem waiting around the next corner?

Compare that to the concept of a “challenge”. Whenever you are challenged to accomplish something, the immediate mental process that goes into place is that you are going to have to make a consistent effort to win the challenge.

Please note the key phrase ‘consistent effort‘.

You will not need to go very far through the archives of this blog or the archives of articles that I have written in order to find many references to the fact that consistency is one of the primary keys to success.

A challenge is not something that you accept, find a solution for, and then push away because you are done with it. No, a challenge is something that you have to continually apply focus to in order to succeed.

Whether you have challenged yourself to the attainment of a goal, or if you are competing with other people in the challenge, you will still have to make a continual effort in order to win the challenge.

Consider the following list of problems and challenges and note the obvious difference between how resolving problems is a one-time affair, while winning challenges is an on-going effort.


Problem: You have a flat tire. Solution: Install the spare tire and get the flat tire fixed.

Problem: You just cut your finger slicing carrots. Solution: Wash it out and put on a band-aid.

Problem: Your workload is getting out of control at work. Solution: Apply time and material management practices and put in some extra time until your workload is caught up.


You challenge yourself to lose 20 pounds in 3 months. Instant Solution: Start and continue on a diet and exercise plan that will allow you to lose the weight. Long-term Benefit: You will have innumerable health and personal benefits as a result of your weight loss efforts, and you will have learned to live a lifestyle that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

You challenge yourself to get out of debt within 12 months. Instant Solution: You come up with a savings plan and/or a way to bring in more income in order to eliminate your debt. Long-term Benefit: You will have the opportunity to potentially live debt-free from now on, and you will have developed the habit of long-term financial awareness that will ensure financial freedom for the rest of your life.

You challenge yourself to stop smoking. Instant Solution: You apply a consistent regimen of both physical and psychological practices that eventually allow you to kick the habit completely. Long-term Benefit: You will probably live a lot longer, but just as importantly, you will have developed a level of confidence that will allow you to more fully enjoy the rest of your life.

In the case of solving the problems that were listed, yes, you got some immediate satisfaction. Take a closer look at the challenges, though.

What are the 3 things that you can see about every single instance of accepting and overcoming each of the challenges that were listed?

Give up? Here they are:

1) The so-called “instant solution” was actually a HUGE benefit, and not something so inconsequential as fixing a flat tire, getting caught up at work, or slapping a band-aid on a minor cut.

2) Every challenge also had a long-term benefit associated with it. Not only was there the instant benefit, but there was a long-term on-going benefit as well.

3) And finally, every challenge ended with you having skills, habits, beliefs, or confidence levels that would last you for the rest of your life.

So, from now on whenever you are faced with something that you perceive to be a problem, do not go into problem solving mode. Go into CHALLENGE solving mode and turn that situation into an opportunity to not only resolve the issue, but to create a better life for yourself in the process!

February 19, 2007

Why the BLEEP isn’t the Law of Attraction Working?

This is Volume 1 of an on-going series of posts that I am calling “What the Bleep…”.

On a regular basis, probably weekly, I will be tackling some of the finer points of how to actually make certain things happen in your life, and I will be detailing those thoughts in descriptive posts characterized with BLEEP in the title. For example:

“What the BLEEP is…”

“How the BLEEP do I…”

“Why the BLEEP isn’t…”

Look for frequent posts in this area as I put forth the Intention of helping people take control of their lives by getting into the “nitty gritty” of how to use some of the common self improvement and conscious creation methods.

For this entry, let’s get on with discussing the question of why you (think) the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you.

I put the word think in the previous sentence in parentheses for a reason, because there is no such thing as the LOA not working. It is always working, around the clock, for all people, no matter if they believe in it or not.

To say that it isn’t working because you don’t understand how to use it would be the same thing as saying that the Law of Gravity only works for people who believe in it.

If you drop your favorite glass coffee cup from a significant distance onto your tile floor, that cup is going to break. Do you think that the cup believes in the Law of Gravity?

Moving forward…

Now that we have established that the Law of Attraction is always working, regardless of belief levels, we now have the task of determining why it “seems” to work for some people, but not for others.

Steve Pavlina recently put forth a post along these lines where he uses some common examples to describe the difference between wanting something, and bringing forth the energy that will actually manifest that thing into your life.

Steve is 100% right, because that is exactly where people fail to get exactly the results that they wanted when it comes to consciously creating their lives. It’s not the method they are using that is at fault, but the way that they feel about the method that they are using.

In order to actually get what you want when using the Law of Attraction, it is not the thing that you want that is in question. You could want anything from a shiny penny all the way up through a million dollars, and the Universe is going to apply exactly the same energy and methods in order to bring you what you want in both of those instances.

In fact, the Universe applies exactly the same energy and methods to everything that it does. It is only our “human” beliefs about what is easy or what is difficult that get in the way, because we then put out vibrations (via our emotions) that send the clear message to the universal powers that we believe that getting [insert your goal here] is going to be difficult.

The only way that you are going to be able to manifest the things that you want in your life is to put out vibrations that are in resonance with the things that you desire.

It is not possible to sit around and think about how broke you are, yet magically manifest a pile of money.

You cannot lament about how depressed you are every day, and then expect that you are going to be delivered into a life of utter happiness.

You can’t drive your piece of junk car every day, think about how much of a piece of junk it is, and expect that the Universe is going to drop a brand-new Mustang into your driveway.

Do you see the pattern here?

In each of those examples, the thing that you wanted and the feelings that you were putting out to the Universe were completely opposite of each other.

That’s like trying to turn left and right at the same time. It’s not going to happen!

In order to manifest the things that you want in your life with the Law of Attraction, you have to do what James Arthur Ray calls going “three for three.” You you have match up your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions.

1) Think about what you want on a regular basis, preferably many times throughout each day.

2) Feel what it will be like to have the thing that you desire, and feel joyous about having it.

3) Take whatever action you are inspired to take in order to bring that thing into your existence.

How do you feel like you have something that you don’t actually have? The Theater of the Mind, dear reader, the Theater of the Mind.

If you can imagine it, and you can believe that it is possible, then you can manifest it into your reality. W. Clement Stone said “Anything the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve” and Mr. Stone was absolutely correct.

Here is the problem, though. Most people don’t spend enough time seeing their goals in their mind in order to then bring those goals into reality! They make a token effort here, and a token effort there, but the majority of their time is spent not thinking about and feeling about the things that they want.

I posted awhile ago about how desire is the single most important part of self improvement. It doesn’t matter whether you want world peace, or if you just want your lawn mower to start on the first pull. You have to want your goal so badly that you can’t NOT think about it. Then, the power of your desire will lead you down a path that is absolutely 100% guaranteed to bring that desire into your life.

So, the question now becomes, “How badly do you want it?”

Do you get excited just thinking about your goal? Are you afraid to talk to people about your goal because they have heard about it so many times already that they stop taking your phone calls? Do you write poetry, compose music, or draw pictures about your goals? Are there visual, auditory, or tactile reminders about your goals placed all over your house, your car, and your place of business?

Is your goal the driving force that gets you out of bed in the morning and powers your very existence?

Do you think that those types of examples are silly, or far-fetched? If you do, then I now pronounce you an official graduate of ‘Why the BLEEP isn’t the Law of Attraction Working University’.

You have discovered why the LOA isn’t working for you. The question is, what are you going to do about it?

February 17, 2007

Self Improvement and Law of Attraction Link Love, Volume 2

This is Volume 2 of the Self Improvement and Law of Attraction Link Love series. This series will be published weekly and will be comprised of links to quality blog posts that have proven to be extraordinary in their ability to assist, inform, or empower the reader. Enjoy!

1) Guy Kawasaki - Is Your Boss an Asshole?

Pardon the lingo for those of you easily offended by such terms, but I must admit that Guy hit the nail on the head with this one! Not only does he describe the type of boss who creates more negativity than positivity, but if you despise the corporate lifestyle (as I do), you’ll get a kick out of this.

2) Breathing Prosperity - Why Do Poor People Always Have to Choose?

An excellent riff on the B.S. belief that you can’t have your cake and eat it, too, including a salute-worthy epiphanic moment about Oprah Winfrey.

3) GoalsSuccess.com - How Goals Ignite the Law of Attraction By Jill Koenig

A compact but very well-rounded explanation of how the Law of Attraction works, including the fact that YOU have responsibilities in the manifestation process!

4) Achieve-IT - What People Think About You Is None Of Your Business

Short but powerful post about an easy way to fix a BIG problem that almost everyone has.

5) Evolving Times - The Size Of Your Segment DOES Matter

Great method of succeeding at your Intentions by breaking them down into manageable blocks to keep from overwhelming your mind and your belief system.

6) Life Coaches Blog - How to Give a Good Compliment

Dropping a compliment on someone is not a “duty,” but rather a way to open up a floodgate of potentially positive side effects. Check out this short instruction on how to do it in the most effective manner.

7) Lifehacker - Ze Frank on Procrastination

Hilarious video bit on something that we can all identify with. Click on through to get a funny reminder about something so many of us are so good at!

8) The Positivity Blog - One simple Method to become Inspired and Courageous

The simple but powerful message delivered in this post is (ironically enough considering #7 above) that whether you want to or not, getting up and taking action is the way to get past your self-imposed road blocks.

9) Ririan Project - See How Easily You Can Forget You Were Ever Forgetful

Simple explanation of why we forget common things, and great “hacks” to help us remember them. Items discussed include phone numbers, dates & anniversaries, names, keys, passwords, and pin codes.

10) Lifehack - Want results? Frame your work.

Detailed info about “Information Fatigue Syndrome,” but the real value that I saw was the bit on how to defeat IFS. I have recently started using techniques similar to these and I have seen a dramatic increase in my productivity, as well as a decrease in my stress level!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition! Look for Volume 3 in a week or so!

February 16, 2007

Self Improvement Terminology: Do Visualizations and Affirmations really Work?

If you saw some of the teachers from the movie ‘The Secret’ on the Oprah Winfrey show, or if you’ve seen the movie, then you will be familiar with terms like “visualization” and “affirmation”.

The question is: “Do they really work?”

Let’s start with defining just what these two terms mean, and then we’ll delve into whether or not they are worth your time.


When you visualize, you are going through the mental process of seeing in your mind whatever it is that you want to achieve.

For some people that will be successful weight loss, for others it will be massive financial success, some people want fulfilling relationships, others are after career satisfaction. Everyone has their own agenda when it comes to attaining their goals, and the key to visualizing that success is to create the success in your head first, and then the “real world” will follow.

There are different schools of thinking about the proper way to visualize. Some people think that visualization should include every possible detail, while others believe that it is the feeling that you will have once you have attained success that you should focus on.

However, in both cases, having a clear mental picture of the “scene” that you are visualizing is paramount to your success, because one thing is certain:

If you can’t see it in your head, you definitely will never see it in your life!


Affirmations work along the same lines as visualization, only with affirmations, you are giving yourself words rather than pictures.

For example, if you were going to visualize owning a brand new car, you would visualize the actual car that you want. If you were going to practice affirmation in order to attain that new car, you could use the following time-tested affirmation formula:

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, it is my intention to own a black 2007 Mercedes, or something even better.”

What’s with all of the extra words, you ask? The short version of the explanation is that you need to affirm getting what you want, but not getting it in such a way that it causes negativity in your life.

If getting a black 2007 Mercedes happens, but in return you have to work 18-hour days for 2 years straight, your spouse leaves you, and the dealer runs over your dog when they deliver the car, then it probably wouldn’t be worth the price, right?

Also, a big tip of the hat to Dr. Joe Vitale for the addition of the phrase “or something even better.” That part of the affirmation is critical because the Universe will always deliver the things that you want. However, by adding “or something even better,” you leave the door open for the powers that be to bring you something that would make you even happier than what you originally asked for.

Sounds great, but does it all work?

Here is where you come into the equation, dear reader. In response to the question of if it all works, I ask:

“Do you THINK it works?”

Because that is the ONLY thing that matters when it comes to visualizations and affirmations - your level of belief. You can visualize success and read or say your affirmations all day, every day, but if you don’t believe that you are actually going to get what you are visualizing and affirming for, then you won’t get it!

The Universe (God, Holy Guardian Angel, Buddha, whatever YOU call it) does not actually “see” your visualizations, or “hear” your affirmations. The thing that will always and only be acted upon is the feeling that you express whenever you visualize and affirm.

If your feeling is one of doubt, fear, or uncertainty, then you will promptly be delivered more things to be doubtful, fearful, and uncertain about.

However if your feeling is one of success, confidence, and happiness as a result of believing that you are going to get what you are visualizing or affirming for, then the Universe will bring that thing to you in order to ensure your continued feelings of success, confidence and happiness.

Does it sound like a bunch of mystical mojo that has no basis in scientific fact, and therefore cannot possibly work? If that’s what it sounds like to you, then don’t bother making the attempt.

However, for those of you who are ready to truly embrace the fact that you are are a universally powerful being who can literally have anything that you want in life by attracting your desires to you, then I invite you to visualize and affirm to your heart’s content!

p.s. - For those of you ready to believe in your universal power, be sure to get your “princess wave” ready. We’ll need to use it as we drive our brand new cars past the group of people who think it’s mystical mojo!


See How Easy it is to Make a Million Dollars?

If someone were to ask you if it was possible for you to make a million dollars in just over 3 months, would you believe it could be done?

Check out the following story swiped from an email I received from my friend Namaste:

“Michelle Goering of Vancouver, British Columbia, read the book THE ONE MINUTE MILLIONAIRE in December of 2005. The book is co-authored by Mark Victor Hansen who co-created the Chicken Soup For The Soul series. She was excited about the idea of making an enlightened million and a few weeks later, on January 12, she formed a team that met together for the first time. They called themselves (ok this is cheesy but it worked) the MillionHares. It took four weeks of incubation for them to come up with a GREAT IDEA. By February 16 they were testing and marketing the idea. By March 11 they had found a buyer for their idea and negotiated a seven-figure contract. Michelle went from idea to payday in 99 days!”

Michelle certainly made it possible to make a cool million in a very short period of time. Is Michelle’s story a rare occasion?

Sure it is. Bob Proctor - a man who has been studying and creating wealth for more than 40 years - says that only about 1% of the population of this planet control around 96% of the wealth.

So, yes, Michelle’s story is rare, but that is actually the entire point that I want to make. Michelle is one of the rare people who will ultimately fit into that very small 1%.

Her success story is rare, but only because we believe those type of stories to be rare!

If I had started out this post by asking if it was possible to make a million dollars, most people would have said Yes. The world has plenty of people who have made a million dollars or more in their lifetime.

It was the question of whether or not that million dollars could be made in 3 months that threw you for a loop and kicked your “I don’t believe it” engine into overdrive.

If I may quote the sage wisdom of the mighty Yoda:

“THAT is why you fail.”

You see, our beliefs power our very existence, and it does not matter if your beliefs are steeped in poverty, or abundance. Whatever you believe is the truth IS the truth, simply because you believe it.

The question of whether or not it is possible to make a million dollars elicits a completely different instinctive response than the question of whether or not it is possible to make a million dollars in only 3 months.

As long as you continue to allow your beliefs about health, wealth, and happiness to be limited, your results will directly correspond to those belief limitations.

If I may once again quote a great teacher, this time a living, breathing human, Dr. Michael Beckwith from the movie ‘The Secret’:

“We are Unlimited beings!”

So, the only question that you have to ask yourself is if you are going to continue to be shocked when confronted with something as staggering as making a million dollars in 3 months, or if your gut reaction will be something more along the lines of “I don’t need 3 months. I’ll do it in 2!”

February 15, 2007

The Consistent Inconsistency of Self Improvement

The Self Improvement industry is booming. What started with the likes of Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and Earl Nightingale has morphed into one of the biggest and most densely populated industries in the world today.

You can’t read a newspaper, watch TV, listen to the radio, or surf the Internet without seeing or hearing about people who are trying to make their lives better.

Self improvement products are available in all shapes and sizes, people are flocking to personal development seminars by the thousands, and even the pseudo-amateur Blogging population has taken up the Self Improvement gauntlet.

So why isn’t our world a utopia full of enlightened individuals who weigh less, have more money, enjoy incredible business success, and partake in decades long picture-perfect romances?

I’ll tell you why, and considering my own positive outlook and teachings that I bring to the world, please understand that this is an observation of fact, not an opinion:

Most people aren’t doing it!

Yes, they are learning about it. Yes, they are talking about it. Yes, they are spending plenty of their time and their money on the concepts. However, there is one absolutely mission-critical thing that is still missing, and that thing can be summed up in one simple word:


No Consistency!Everyone is jumping on the self improvement bandwagon, and there is room for all. People who want to lose weight, get rich, build successful careers, find true love - the list goes on and on. The masses are flocking, but one concept is standing a head and shoulders above the rest, and that is a serious lack of consistency.

Think about it. The methods for how to lose weight and be healthy have been known for decades. The power of positive thinking, visualization, and even affirmations have long since been proven to be effective. The methods for making at least a decent living - if not an opulent one - are no mystery to anyone who takes the time to learn them. Even relationship success can be had by anyone who cares to make a consistent effort with that goal in mind.

So why is that even though the answers are clearly available, people still fail to follow through on their self improvement efforts?

For a lot of people, it is nothing more mysterious than falling victim to their own self-limiting beliefs. No matter how much someone truly wants to succeed at any given endeavor, they are so used to not having what they want, that they will unconsciously sabotage their own efforts to achieve success.

Here is the real kicker, though: All of the methods that we know - and have known for decades - WILL work if you only consistently put them into practice.

Even if you don’t have a lot of faith in the beginning, by simply going “by the numbers” and consistently applying the success principles that are freely available to all who want to learn them, success is not only possible, but it is a guarantee.

Between the readership of this Blog, and my own newsletter distribution list, there are quite a few people who have access to the knowledge about self improvement that I write about in my articles, products, and blog posts.

I have decided to start leveraging that reach (Yay - I got to use a corporate term!) in order to start turning the tide in the favor of those who truly want to start making positive changes in their lives.

If you’re interested in seeing what I’ve put together, simply click on over to the Self Improvement 30-Day Challenge that I am sponsoring. See if you’re up to the challenge of realizing how much progress you can make if you will truly commit yourself - even if only for 30 short days.

Do you need my help in order to start improving your life? Absolutely not! You have that power inside of you at this very moment.

However, if you want some assistance, check out the program, and feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.

Whether you check out my program or not, I do implore you to take the message of this post to heart:

Your “knowledge” about self improvement won’t do you any good unless you use it - over and over and over again. You know, consistently!

February 13, 2007

Give me One Word and I’ll Give you a Direction for your Life

Awhile ago I started reading a book called ‘Full Steam Ahead‘ by Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner.

The basic idea of the book is to teach the reader the absolutely invaluable lesson that if you want to accomplish certain things in your life, you have to have a very clear vision of what you want to accomplish.

It seems like common sense to read it in such simplistic terms, but the truth of the matter is that most people don’t really give their lives a mission or a vision.

Most people tend to look around the next corner for toys or experiences, when in all actuality, your life can represent a lot more than that.

If you have a nice car (or 5 or 6 of them), if you have a beautiful house on the beach, and if you have enough money that you could literally start throwing it away, do you really think that people are going to remember those things about you?

People remember how other people make them feel, not how much money someone had, or if they had a nice car or a big house.

I remember way back when I used to be in the Army, and I was home on leave visiting my family, my friends, and my girlfriend. My best friend had moved into a new apartment since the last time I had been home, and the new place was pretty small, especially when you got 8 or 10 people packed in there.

However, when I remember that vacation, I don’t think about how small the apartment was. I think about the fact that we had SO much fun while I was home! I remember the entire experience as leaving me with “warm and fuzzies” and I was actually upset when I found out that he moved out of there.

My point is that even though most people strive to have financial or material success - and there is nothing wrong with that - you might also think about about what the “bigger picture” in your life is.

In ‘Full Steam Ahead‘, the book opens up with the description of a heart-warming and tear-jerking eulogy that a girl reads about her father at his funeral.

After the funeral, someone comes up to thank her for putting together such wonderful words about her father, and she admits that she didn’t write the eulogy.

It turns out that he had written it - many years earlier!

The man had such a clear vision of what he wanted his life to be like, that in order to live up to his wonderful dreams, he wrote a eulogy about himself, and then spent his life making sure that he was living up to those standards.

When he finally left the physical earth, his eulogy didn’t need to be modified at all, because he had successfully lived up to his own standards, and as a result, everyone who knew him also adored him.

That is not to say that your goal should be the adoration of the masses, or that you should start living your life in such a way so that someone can read a great eulogy about you when you’re dead.

However, it does speak volumes about the fact that by deciding what you to accomplish in life - and never backing down from that decision - that you will empower yourself to have, be, or do anything that you can imagine.

Over at The Marketing Minute, Drew’s “Quought of the Day” (see site for details) was as follows:

“If, on the day of your funeral someone were to walk up to the podium and speak a single word or phrase that captured the essence of your life - what would you want that word or phrase to be and what are you doing today and every day to earn it?”

So, what is YOUR word?

Mine is FUN, and you can bet that I make sure I have some of that every single day!

February 12, 2007

Kick start Self Improvement by getting rid of “Old School” beliefs

If you are not achieving maximum success in your self improvement efforts, you may be an unknowing victim of your own antiquated belief systems.

Each of us has beliefs that we perceive to be the way that things are done in the world. These beliefs power our lifestyle, and if those beliefs are incorrect, then no amount of action that we take will ensure our success.

  • If we want to lose weight, then we think that proper diet and exercise is the answer
  • If we want to attain business, career, or financial success, then we think that working harder and conforming is the key to doing so
  • If we want to have wonderful relationships, then we think that finding Mr. or Mrs. Right will instantly transport us into the land of perpetual romantic bliss

Each of those antiquated reasoning processes, and any similar lines of thinking, are so far off base that it is no wonder that so many people are not finding the success that they want in their lives!

The key to success in any area of your life has always started inside of yourself, and the key to maintaining that success will continue to be your internal responsibility, regardless of the external circumstances.

Will things like diet and exercise be a part of your health and weight loss goals? Absolutely. However, you can starve yourself and workout around the clock, but if you don’t fix the REASON why you are overweight to begin with, no amount of the standard fitness fare is going to help you.

Will financial or business success depend upon you taking action in order to create wealth? Sure it will. If you don’t fix the inside issues first, however, you could win the lottery and your internal poverty meter will eventually drag you back down again.

Would finding a fulfilling relationship be easier if there were a lot of quality relationship prospects available? Most definitely. However, you need to believe that you are worthy of a great relationship first, or no amount of prospective suitors is going to change your relationship status over the long-term.

One of my most popular recent posts was entitled ‘How to Help Yourself and Everyone Else at the Same Time’. It discusses how you can manage your own beliefs in such a way as to affect your surroundings and positively charge your circumstances for your own benefit.

That post was recently featured in Edition 72 of the Carnival of Healing. Swing by there to check it out and read over some of the other empowering content while you are there.

In addition, I have personally gained a large amount of my present perspective on how to attain success by following the wisdom of many of the teachers who were featured in the movie ‘The Secret’.

One of them, James Arthur Ray, was recently interviewed by Steve Pavlina, and you can check out a transcript of that interview over at Steve’s site.

Bob Proctor is another teacher whose wisdom is immeasurable by any standards that I have ever been exposed to. Even though he is successful beyond what most people can even imagine, he is still out there in the trenches every single day helping other people. Any of his teachings are highly recommended.

If business success is your goal, then you would do well to start listening to an on-going series of free teleseminars that are hosted by John Assaraf and his partner.

John, Bob, and James were all in ‘The Secret’, they were all on Larry King Live, and James was also recently on the very empowering edition of the Oprah Winfrey show that discussed ‘The Secret’ and the Law of Attraction.

I highly recommend the works of any of those teachers, but I want to finish out this post by putting forth the disclaimer that you do not NEED anyone’s products or services.

The power to change your life is inside of you right now at this very moment. If you want positive change, then activate the power within yourself by focusing constantly on the things that you want, and taking action to achieve your dreams when you are inspired to do so.

That is the Law of Attraction in action, but YOU are the catalyst for everything. Your success has always started with - and will end with - yourself.