Shortcut to Success using the "Easy Button"
If someone were to say to you, "You are going to get the same reward whether it is easy for you to get it, or if it is hard for you to get it. You choose which method you want to use.", what do you think your response would be?
Well, unless you are feeling some irrational need to work harder than you actually have to in life, you are probably going to take the easy route, right?
In fact, at least here in America, a very large part of our culture is based on that very concept: finding the easy way. Do you know that right here in the United States of America people used to actually have to GET UP to change the channel on their TV???
Appalling, I know. The reason I know is because my remote is broken right now, so I actually have to do this. I could go buy a new remote, but that wouldn't be, well.... easy!
So, our society continues to search for the "Easy Button" and in fact there is a television commercial that Bryant Sandburg references in his Home Business Blog that shows one of these Easy Buttons.
Bryant provides a great take on the concept of how this mythical "easy button" applies to business in today's world, and I am going to extrapolate his wisdom and put forth the fact that the same thing happens in pretty much every aspect of our lives.
There is nothing wrong with taking the easy way out if the end result of the situation is going to be the same either way. However, if by taking the easy way out you are not getting what you really want out of life, then it suddenly becomes a problem, doesn't it?
And you've done this many times in your life, haven't you?
Of course you have! Don't sit there shaking your head like you have always jumped head first into every situation in life, tearing down walls and mowing down enemies until you got EXACTLY what you wanted by taking the hard road.
However, I'm open-minded. If that does describe you, please post a comment to this blog and tell me all about it. I probably want to get to know you! For everyone else, let's continue on....
Why do we always look for the Easy Way Out?
For most of us, it is simply that we are used to doing things the way that we do them - regardless of whether or not the way that we do them will get us what we want out of life. Our "status quo" is simply easier to maintain than making the effort to effect some quality changes.
All of us have spent money that we shouldn't have spent because we wanted some material goods, or some experience. Then we complain because we don't have enough money.
Everyone has stuffed down a 2,000 or 3,000 calorie feast of artery-clogging burgers, fries, and milkshakes, and then not liked the reflection that we saw in the mirror.
Each of us has taken a job we didn't want or passed up an opportunity at our present job because taking the hard road would have meant putting forth an effort that was outside of our normal realm of comfort. We follow that up by telling anyone who will listen about how much we dislike our job!
I could go on and on with example just like this, and you could easily think of dozens of other examples from your own life about how you refused to go "off the beaten path" because it was easier to stay on the well-trodden road that you were used to.
How has that been working out for you?
By now you may be thinking that this post hasn't given you any real information about that Shortcut to Success that was mentioned in the title.
Not to worry, this IS a Self-Empowerment Blog, after all, so here is the Easy Button that you have been waiting for:
When you spend money that you know you aren't supposed to be spending, how does that make you feel? Do you feel prosperous, generous, and full of Gratitude that life has given you so much money that you can spend it as if it existed in an unlimited supply?
Or, do you feel guilty? Do you worry about how you are going to pay your Visa bill after springing for the extra $300 worth of souvenirs while you were on vacation, and that one night when you ordered room service for the whole family and it cost you roughly the equivalent of your car payment?
What about when you eat food that you KNOW is going to expand your waistline or your hip size? How does that make you feel? Do you feel thin, sexy, and confident?
Or, do you feel fat, unattractive, and lacking in the self-restraint that it would have taken to turn down that 2nd helping, or that fatty dessert?
How about when you got passed over for a big promotion at work, or didn't get a job that you really wanted? Does that make you feel like someone who can literally have any job that they want, and who is blazing their own trail through their professional career?
Or, do you wonder if you will ever get out of your career rut? Do you try to figure out why others who are clearly not as qualified as you keep getting all of the good opportunities?
By now you should be starting to see the point that I am driving at here:
The way you FEEL about your life is what dictates what life will give you.
We live in a vibrational Universe where all things at all times are vibrating with a certain frequency. Based on the Law of Attraction which states that 'like attracts like', whatever vibration you are sending out will attract similar vibrations back into your life.
So, using the above examples:
If spending money makes you feel good, more financial opportunities will present themselves that cause you to continue to feel good. If spending money makes you feel guilty, you will continue to stay in a financial state that allows you to only spend money in guilty ways.
If eating food makes you feel healthy, lean, and confident, then even when you over-indulge you won't see the effects as badly as someone who has a gluttony-like reaction to eating. Your reaction to your nutrition and exercise program - or lack thereof - is just as important in terms of attracting success as the program itself.
If your feelings about your career options are in line with success, prosperity, and long-term stability, then you will attract whatever it is in your life that brings you more of those same feelings. However, if you feel like you are being "kept down" by the system, or like you really don't have any career options because of your life's circumstances, then the Law of Attraction will ensure that you are correct at every turn.
The moral of this story is that there is no actual "Easy Button".
YOU are the Easy Button!
Now get out there and push it!!
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