January 21, 2007

Star Light, Star Bright, Make this Star do My Bidding Tonight!

As I’m sure applies to many of you, the “Star Light, Star Bright” rhyme has been part of my life since I was a little kid.

If you’re not familiar with it, it is just a little limerick that people say when they see the first star in the night sky, and then they make a wish upon that star.

For the uninformed, the original version goes something like this:

“Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Make a wish upon this star tonight.”

Well, since becoming educated about the amazing power that each of us has to consciously create our own lives, it has occurred to me that a lot of the beliefs and practices that were once a foregone conclusion, have turned out to have little or no meaning in the world of conscious creation.

Now, that isn’t to say that the “good ol’ days” are gone and that we shouldn’t honor and enjoy those traditions. However, the truly educated will modify their approach as they learn more about how it all works.

In this particular case, I got a good laugh (and a permanent change in my rhyming) when I was inspired to change the last line to “make this star do my bidding tonight!”

Because, friends and neighbors, not only do we each have the power to command those stars, but for those of you who have dipped a toe into the Quantum Physics realm, or gotten an earful about Ho’oponopono, there is a very real chance that the star you’re wishing on is only there because you are looking at it!

However, whether you are ready to bend your mind around those types of concepts or not, the fact that you are the one - and the only one - who creates your reality is a very real fact, and it is a fact that you should take quite seriously. If you want to have fun that is!

That is the whole point, right? To have fun? I mean, if you’re not trying to have a good time, and to be happy, then what are you here for?

We are all here to enjoy what this world has to offer, and the most effective way to do that is to give ourselves the resources needed to enjoy life in the manner which resonates with us most as individuals.

Here’s the thing, though: If you truly want to make positive changes in your life (positive from your point of view, that is), then you need to realize that the power to command stars to do your bidding is a power that has to be exercised in order for it to do you any good.

The classic line from the Spiderman comic books was “With great power comes great responsibility” and that sentiment very much applies to your life.

If you don’t take the necessary steps in order to improve your life, then guess what will happen?

And no, that is not a trick question.

Too many people go through life with this totally inappropriate belief that “things will just work out” or worse, that their destiny is governed by the actions of others.

Believing concepts such as that are what land people well on this side of what they truly want their lives to be. If your life is not what you want it to be right now, don’t you think that it’s time you started taking responsibility, and, more importantly, started taking action?

Over at the Renovate Your Life with Craig blog1, Craig Harper has put together a Top 10 list of traits that he has seen from people who have been consistently successful over the years, and sitting on your butt waiting for life to bring you some goodies is most definitely not on that list.

If you do not take action in order to make your life everything that you want it to be, who do you think is going to do it for you? I don’t care how many friends, family members, and acquaintances you have, I guarantee that no one is as interested in your well-being as you are.

Karen has a great post over at the Live the Power2 blog where she talks about the simple fact that simply “showing up” is one of most important keys to success.

You see, “showing up” means consistently doing whatever it is that you are supposed to be doing. It doesn’t mean exercising like a mad man for 7 days straight and then taking 3 weeks off. It doesn’t mean curbing unnecessary spending for a month, and then blowing your savings in one weekend at the mall. It certainly doesn’t mean doing something nice one time for your significant other and then expecting to have a blissful on-going relationship because you got off your can one time and thought of someone other than yourself.

Consistency is the key! Consistency. Consistency. Consistency.

Did I mention consistency?

It doesn’t matter how much of a rocket scientist, brain surgeon, relationship wizard, financial guru, or fitness fanatic that you think you are. If you don’t consistently apply your knowledge towards self improvement, you’ll never make any permanent headway.

One of the problems that a lot of people have is that they think they have to “figure it all out” before they get started. As human beings having a 3-dimensional experience here on planet earth, we tend to think that if we can’t see the direct path from start to finish, that we shouldn’t even make the effort.

However, as Brian Kim so eloquently points out in his post entitled ‘You Don’t Have To Get It Perfect The First Time’3, experience is the key to learning how to attain success:

Experience is a far greater teacher than knowledge simply because of the fact that experience shows you exactly what knowledge you need to pick up that you’re missing.

So, at this point, you need to ask yourself which type of person you are. The type who wishes upon distant stars and hopes upon hope that the star will send you a miracle, or are you the kind of person who designs your own constellations?

Regardless of your answer to that question, you’re right.


Renovate Your Life with Craig

Live the Power


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